Identifying Tire Markings: Red and Yellow Dots

As we were in the shop mounting a few tire and wheel packages this week, we thought it would be beneficial to explain a few markings that you may notice on the sidewall of your tires. Maybe you were cleaning your wheels or airing up your tires and had time to glance around to notice […]

True Bead Lock vs Simulated Bead Lock Wheels 

When beginning your adventure into the off-roading and overlanding world, you’ll notice many trucks, SUV’s, CUV’s and vans with performance upgrades: suspension systems, lift kits, larger tires, and different sized and styled wheels.  Some stock vehicles are well equipped and ready for adventure, but for many, upgrades are a must in order to ensure a […]

Los Angeles Auto Show 2021: Electric Vehicles in the Wild

While off-roading and overlanding, the ability to discover new terrain is what makes the adventure worthwhile. Yet while we explore, we must learn to preserve and protect the land for future generations. The benefits of electric vehicles are becoming more widely recognized and could be very advantageous as we continue to travel the land. It […]

Overland Expo: Exploring the Nature of Off-roading

What is overlanding? The term “overlanding” is a combination of remote travel, off-roading and camping, relying heavily on self-sufficiency and can be traced as far back to the Australian Outback, when farmers moved their cattle across long distances as the seasons changed. In more recent years, however, overland travel has evolved with modern technology and […]