Identifying Tire Markings: Red and Yellow Dots

Curious about tire markings? We explain the symbols on your tires, revealing their role in safety, performance, and ensuring a smooth ride.
True Bead Lock vs Simulated Bead Lock Wheels

Built for the off road adventure, Bead Lock wheels might be the upgrade you need. In this article, we explore their purpose, benefits, and if they’re right for you!
Los Angeles Auto Show 2021: Electric Vehicles in the Wild

The 2021 LA Auto Show provided a glimpse into the future with reveals of new electric vehicles coming to the market that could be game changers for the offroading community.
Overland Expo: Exploring the Nature of Off-roading

The REIKA team was able to join the many vendors who participated in each of the three Expo shows this year. We met new friends and caught up with old ones, all while learning much more about the overlanding experience.